This article contains all videos and articles related to the Rula provider portal. Navigate to the desired topic by using the menu on the right side of the page. If the topic has a video component, the video will be displayed under the section title, with the article linked underneath. If the topic does not have a video, the articles for the topic will be listed under the section title.
Getting Started - Video Demonstration
Note: We're now Rula! You may still hear Path in our videos from time to time and we appreciate your patience while we continue to update our content to align with our new name. Additionally, this video only applies to telehealth and not in-person appointments.
Setting up your portal account
Setting up your Rula provider portal account
Logging in
Setting up 2 factor authentication (desktop)
Setting up 2 factor authentication (desktop)
Setting up 2 factor authentication (iOS)
Setting up 2 factor authentication (mobile)
Setting up 2 factor authentication (Android)
Setting up 2 factor authentication (mobile)
Available resources in the portal
My Schedule
Your start date
Joining telehealth sessions
Admitting clients to a telehealth session
Ending a telehealth session
Adding availability for new clients
Editing/removing new client availability
Setting Your Availability for New Clients in the Rula Provider Portal
Managing your calendar blocks
Scheduling tab overview
Canceling appointments
Modifying appointments
Modifying appointments in the Rula Provider Portal
Create an appointment
Book appointments for your clients in the Rula Provider Portal
My Messages
My Clients
Client Roster
Client Charts
My Practice
Accepting new clients
Update Accepting New Clients Status
Updating client preferences
Updating weekly new client limit
Update Weekly New Client Limit
Updating desired caseload
Update Desired Caseload in the Rula Provider Portal
My Profile
Updating your provider profile information
Update Provider Profile Information
View your practice details
Clinical Documentation
Session notes
Creating and signing a session note in the Rula provider portal
Completing saved notes in the Rula provider portal
Adding an addendum to a signed note in the Rula provider portal
Viewing signed notes in the Rula provider portal
Clinical Plans
Updating a treatment plan in the Rula provider portal
Adding or updating a safety plan in the Rula provider portal
Adding a risk assessment to a note in the Rula provider portal
Missed Appointment Note
Completing a missed appointment note in the Rula provider portal
Other Notes
Completing a discharge note in the Rula provider portal
Rula provider portal login issues