Updating your weekly new client limit in the Rula provider portal

The weekly new client limit is the maximum number of new clients you’d want Rula to schedule for you in any given week.

Clients are matched with you based on your preferred populations, therapy methods (modalities), areas of expertise, and availability. Your profile is also visible to those who are uncertain about their specialization needs. Log in to your provider portal to verify your weekly new client limit. Weekly new client limits are active as soon as you update them in the provider portal.

Rula will attempt to match you with clients until your weekly new client limit is met for the week. Rula will never send you more clients than what you have your limit set to.

You can update your weekly new client limit in the Rula provider portal on the practice page.

Note: Your weekly new client limit is separate from your desired caseload. For example, if you have set your desired caseload for 20 clients and your weekly new client limit for 5 clients, that means that you'll get a maximum of 5 clients per week until you have 20 different clients in total.

Potential reasons why you aren't getting matched with clients

Here are some common reasons why you might not be getting matched:

If you have availability, space on your caseload, and your account is live and active, but you're still not getting matched with clients; please connect with support.

Video Demonstration

This video provides a step-by-step guide for updating your weekly new client limit in the Rula provider portal.

Note: We're now Rula! You may still hear Path in our videos from time to time and we appreciate your patience while we continue to update our content to align with our new name.

Guided Steps

To update your weekly new client limit:

  1. Log into the provider portal.
  2. Navigate to the Practice tab, located on the menu on the left side of the page.
  3. Click edit Weekly new client limit located on the right side of the Practice tab.
  4. Move the slider to your desired limit, or check the box for Do not limit the number of new clients if you don't want to set a limit. If you do not set a weekly new client limit, Rula will reference your available calendar slots and desired caseload to determine the number of new clients to search for.

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  5. Once you set the maximum number of new clients you would like Rula to search for per week, click Save.

If you are unable to update your weekly new client limit in the portal, you can update it by submitting this form: Weekly New Client Limit

Additional Resources

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