Completing onboarding and next steps

If you have signed your contract, submitted your CAQH information, met with one of our Provider Success Associates, and created your online therapist profile, you may be wondering about the next steps. This article will review what new therapists need to do in order to complete their onboarding and see their first client at Rula.


therapist journey.png

You may remember the above slide from your introductory call with one of Rula's Provider Success Associates. In order to finish your onboarding, you must complete Rula's online training series. There are seven modules in this course and you'll receive a congratulations message once you are done.

If you have already completed this step, you can review this article for a recap of what was covered in Rula's online therapist onboarding course Onboarding study guide.

Accessing Rula's provider portal

New therapists do not receive their credentials for the Rula provider portal during the onboarding stage. Once you complete your onboarding, you'll receive your credentials for the portal via email. You can review this article for detailed steps on Setting up your Rula provider portal account.

If you have completed your onboarding and have not yet received the email with your Rula provider portal credentials, please reach out to our Support Team at

Setting your availability and seeing clients

Once you've received your Rula provider portal credentials and have successfully set up your account, you can log in to set your availability to match your desired caseload. Once your calendar has been set up and your preferences have been confirmed, you should expect to hold your very first Rula client session soon.

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