Please note that at this time, the ability to offer appointments in person is only available to California providers credentialed with Kaiser and/or Anthem. You can read more about in-person offerings here and find which insurances you are credentialed with in the Rula provider portal.
Every provider in the Rula network has access to practice management settings to help us match you with the right client populations whose presenting issues match your expertise.
Practice management settings include:
- Schedule settings
- Accepting new clients vs. paused status
- Calendar availability
- Desired caseload
- Weekly new client limit
- Practice management
- Client populations (adults, minors, couples therapy, family therapy, etc)
- Clinical specializations (e.g. grief, eating disorders, anger management)
Practice Details
- Manage your practice location (telehealth and in-person)
- If eligible, you can add the address of your office where you will meet with clients in person.
- You can learn more about offering in-person appointments here.
- Schedule settings
These settings can be updated at any time to fit your needs.
Though not guaranteed, client populations and clinical specializations directly inform the matching process and can result in a high volume of clients from any particular population or condition.
Every provider in the Rula network has access to practice management settings to help us best match you with the client populations whose presenting issues match your expertise.
For example: If you tell Rula that you’re willing to treat minors, that you specialize in trauma, and have capacity for 5 new clients, it is possible that 4 or all 5 of those new clients will be minors dealing with trauma.
Video Overview
Accepting new clients [paused/unpaused]: Status indicator for whether or not you want to be receiving new clients.
- Example: If you are on vacation, you can pause yourself from receiving new clients and unpause yourself when you return.
- Example: If you are on vacation, you can pause yourself from receiving new clients and unpause yourself when you return.
Calendar availability: The specific days, times, and number of slots you are available to receive new clients
- Example: You are available weekly Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Example: You are available weekly Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Calendar slots: Appointment slots that you have set to see clients.
- Example: You have 12 one-hour calendar slots weekly, Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Example: You have 12 one-hour calendar slots weekly, Monday - Wednesday, 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Current caseload: The number of active Rula clients on your client roster.
- Example: You have 15 clients that you have recurring appointments set with.
- Example: You have 15 clients that you have recurring appointments set with.
Desired caseload: The maximum number of simultaneous clients you want with Rula.
- Example: You only want 30 unique clients with Rula at any given time.
- Example: You only want 30 unique clients with Rula at any given time.
New client capacity: The difference between your current caseload and your desired caseload.
- Example: You have a desired caseload of 30 and a current caseload of 20. Your new client capacity is then 10.
Weekly new client limit: The maximum number of new clients you’d want Rula to schedule for you in any given week.
- Example: You are open to receiving a maximum of 5 new clients a week until you reach your desired caseload.
- Example: You are open to receiving a maximum of 5 new clients a week until you reach your desired caseload.
How your settings work together (Example)
Below is a snapshot of a provider's practice page in the Rula provider portal.
From here, we can see that this provider:
Based on those settings, the portal calculates and displays the following:
Note on availability
While availability is primarily for new client appointments, your existing clients can reschedule single sessions directly from their patient portal. These rescheduled sessions will use your existing availability.
If you prefer that your client reschedule with you directly, tell them to contact you via email, phone, or Portal messaging for schedule changes.