Introduction to Care Coordination Services Available at Rula

This article provides an introduction to the care coordination services available at Rula and provides a step-by-step process for referring a client to a Higher Level of Care (HLOC). Please note, HLOC at Rula only means referring patients to services OUTSIDE of rula, not to Psych providers within Rula. If you would like to make a psych referral, please review this related article: When to Refer Clients to Psychiatry

Care Coordination Services

If a client's needs become more complex and require more intensive support, our dedicated Care Coordination team can help. They manage requests for Higher Levels of Care (HLOC) and adjunct services. This ensures your clients get the right level of care and helps connect them with supportive clinical resources and services both outside and within Rula.

Steps for Referring a Client to a Higher Level of Care

In order to help your client get the right support, follow this step-by-step process. 

Step 1. Evaluate Their Needs

Gather information and document your client's current symptoms, including how severe they are and any potential risks. Consider what this additional service will be able to provide by asking yourself how additional support can benefit your client beyond what you can currently provide. 

This step helps you determine what HLOC is needed, such as an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP), Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), or an adjunct service like medication management, and lays the foundation for a collaborative conversation with your client.

Step 2. Collaborative Discussion

Share your findings and discuss your assessment and recommendations with your client. It's crucial to have their full agreement before moving forward.

Step 3. Easy Referral Process

Once you and your client agree on the best course of action, Rula makes it simple. Use our care coordination referral form which will connect them with the appropriate care quickly and efficiently.

Check out the image below, which breaks down these steps and offers additional information on understanding referrals for HLOC and adjunct services through Rula's Care coordination team. 

Additional Resources

For more on how care coordination works at Rula, check out these additional resources:

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