Your available resources in the Rula provider portal

The Resources tab of the Rula provider portal is a collection of links to important documents, forms, and other resources that are essential to running your practice. In this section you can also find items such as templates and letterhead, as well as resources for professional development and community building at Rula.

Video Overview

Note: We're now Rula! You may still hear Path in our videos from time to time and we appreciate your patience while we continue to update our content to align with our new name.

This video provides an overview of the resources available in the Resources tab of the Rula provider portal.

Guided Steps

To access the Resources tab:

  1. Log into the provider portal
  2. Click the Resources tab, located on the menu on the left side of the page.
  3. Scroll down and find the resource you are looking for. Available options are categorized into the following sections.
    • Documents and Forms
    • Grow with Rula
    • Looking for more support? 

Documents and Forms

This area contains links for important patient documents and templates. It includes:

  1. 3rd party or guest participant agreement: Consent for third-party participants of sessions.
  2. Client-informed consent forms: A list of all consent forms clients are given access to before scheduling their initial appointment at Rula.
  3. Interpreter services request form: Form to complete when requesting interpreter services for a scheduled Telehealth appointment. Your request must be submitted at least 24+ hours in advance.
  4. Minor or adolescent assent document: View an example of the assent document that minors receive prior to starting therapy at Rula.
  5. Rula letterhead: A template therapists may copy or download to use when writing letters on behalf of clients.
  6. Release of Information request form: Form to fill out when making ROI requests for clients.
  7. Safety plan template: A fillable template of the Stanley-Brown Safety Plan to download and edit.

Grow with Rula

This area will contain resources for professional development and community building at Rula.

  1. Continue your education: Form application for access to Rula's completely free continuing education membership with Clearly Clinical.
  2. Join our therapist community: A link to join our online therapist community!
  3. Refer a client to Rula: Use the forms in this help center article when you want. to transition clients to Rula from other practices.

Looking for more support?

This section links to the Rula therapist help center. It also contains links to the most frequently accessed articles in the help center.

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