Understanding Pending Clients

What does "pending clients" mean in a provider's schedule?

Pending clients are individuals who have placed an appointment hold but have yet to finish filling out their required registration form.


Sometimes, the registration form is complete, but the appointment doesn’t automatically convert due to technical issues. In these cases, the Support Team steps in to manually update the appointment.


What does Support do to move pending clients forward?

Support agents follow up with pending clients using a series of SMS reminders to encourage them to complete their registration:

  • First message: Sent 48 hours after the client first connects with us.
  • Second message: Sent 48 hours after the first message if there’s no response.
  • Third message: Sent 48 hours after the second message if the client still hasn’t responded.

If there’s no reply after the third message, the client’s pending status is closed with the note: "No response after completed communication campaign."


What can providers do to help with pending clients?

Currently, providers cannot directly contact pending clients. The SMS team in Patient Support handles all communication with these clients.

Providers can only influence current clients they are bringing over to the platform but have no role in managing pending clients at this time.

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