Zoom appointments ending after 40 minutes

This article reviews the troubleshooting steps to take if your Zoom session closes after 40 minutes. 

Rula uses Zoom as a secure, HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. When you join appointments from the provider portal , you’re automatically made the host of the appointment and can conduct sessions with your clients. 

It is important to note, however, that the Zoom links Rula provides are different than what you’d receive from a private, unpaid account. As such, before you join your therapy appointments, always ensure that you’re logged out of any personal Zoom account you may have. 

To do this, locate the Zoom application on your computer. 

If you are not logged in, you’ll see this sign in screen:

If you are logged in, you’ll see the Zoom dashboard. To log out, locate your profile image in the top right corner and click Sign Out

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