Updating your desired caseload in the Rula provider portal

Your desired caseload is the total number of active clients  you would like to see via Rula. (Active clients are those you see at least once a month). It is used to determine your capacity for new clients. For example, if your desired caseload with Rula is 15 total clients and you already have 10 active clients, Rula would search for a maximum of 5 new clients for you. This article provides a video demonstration and a step-by-step guide for updating your desired caseload in the Rula provider portal.

Video Demonstration

Note: We're now Rula! You may still hear Path in our videos from time to time and we appreciate your patience while we continue to update our content to align with our new name.

This video provides a step-by-step guide for updating your desired caseload in the Rula provider portal.

Guided Steps

To edit your desired caseload in the Rula provider portal:

  1. Log into the provider portal.
  2. Navigate to the Practice tab, located on the menu on the left side of the page.
  3. Click Edit desired caseload located on the right side of the Practice tab, in the New client capacity section.
  4. Move the slider to the maximum number of simultaneous clients you want to have with Rula.

    Note: To ensure the best possible client and provider experience, the maximum number of clients you can have with Rula at one time is 70.
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  5. Once you have updated your desired caseload, click Save.

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