This article includes best practices on how to open a note and conduct a telehealth call simultaneously in AdvancedMD. It contains a video and a step-by-step guide on how to open your note template page, choose your note template, and how to view both your video call and notes side by side.
Video tutorial
How to write a note while in session
- Start your Telehealth call by logging into the Rula provider portal, finding and clicking the appointment on your calendar, and clicking Join appointment
- To adjust the window size, click and drag the corner of your window.
- Then, log into the EHR, open your note template page, and choose your note template.
- Click and drag the vertical bar to maximize your note.
- Now, you can view both your video call and notes side by side!
Additional Resources
- Creating and linking your Session Note- View this step-by-step guide for creating session notes that are linked to your sessions.
- Link multiple notes to a session - Detailed instruction on how to link multiple notes to the same appointment
- Selecting a note template in AdvancedMD- Detailed instruction on how to select a note template in AdvancedMD