Creating a Safety Plan for clients at increased risk of danger to self or others

At Rula, we recommend using an evidence-based safety planning template, such as the Stanley Brown, which you and your clients can easily access in a few ways.  


Option 1: Create a Safety Plan directly in the provider portal

  • Completing a Safety Plan with a client at increased risk for suicide, risk to others, or self-harming behavior is an essential step to ensuring a client’s care needs are being met. 
  • You can add or update a client's safety plan from a session note in the Rula provider portal. This option offers the ability to collaboratively create a Safety Plan with the client in session and document the safety plan directly in the client's record.


Option 2: Use of Safety Planning Apps 

You can have the client download a safety planning app, many of which use the Stanley Brown template, to complete and store the safety plan on their phone. Ensuring clients have ready access to their safety plan when in crisis is crucial, so this is often a preferred option by clients.

A few of the most commonly used apps are: 

mceclip2.png Stanley Brown Safety Plan (App badge: Green Cross) 

mceclip1.png Be Safe - Suicide Safety Plan (App badge: White-letter C, blue background)

mceclip0.png   Suicide Safety Plan (App badge: White cross, blue background) 


After the client has downloaded the app to their phone, You would collaboratively navigate the prompts together during the session and encourage them to utilize it as clinically indicated.

Please know that although a standard best practice, keeping a copy of the safety plan in the chart. The safety plan is for the client. If the client completes a safety plan via an app, the only required documentation is a statement in a note that a safety plan was completed with the client and that the client has a copy. 


Safety Plan FAQ:

  • How do I update the Safety Plan? In the Rula provider portal, you cannot update or edit a safety plan note once signed; If updates are needed, you can create a new safety plan at any time.
  • Can I bill for completing a Safety Plan with a client? Safety Planning should occur collaboratively during the session with your client, and you will capture the time spent creating the Safety Plan in the CPT code you are already using. For example, you might spend 20 minutes safety planning during a 55-minute 90837 Individual Therapy session. 
  • Can I just use a “safety contract” with clients instead of a safety plan? As a profession, we do not “contract for safety” or use a “no-suicide contract.” There is no evidence that these approaches work, nor are they considered trauma informed approaches to managing risk. Additionaly, a no-suicide contract does not protect therapists from potential liability should a client's suicide occur.  
  • Does Rula have a Policy on Risk Assessment and Safety Planning? Yes, it can be found here
  •  Can I see an example of a completed safety plan? You got it! Click HERE

If you have questions or support needs related to Safety Plans, reach out to our clinical quality team at Therapist to therapist - we’re here for you!

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