Mandatory Reporting Policy

Policy: Mandatory Reporting

Policy number: 303 Policy Section: Quality
Owner: Head of Clinical & Quality Approved By: Paul Vogelman, COO
Effective Date: 5/16/2022 Date of Last Review: 3/23/2023


SUD Specialty Group -- CA; Mental Health Specialty Group, P.A.; Mental Health Specialty Group NJ, PC; and Mental Health Specialty Group KS, P.A. (collectively, the "Group") contracts with Path CCM, Inc. d/b/a Rula Health ("Rula") for management and administrative support services. This policy applies to the Group and Rula.


Policy Statement

This policy is to ensure compliance with the mandatory reporting laws and regulations for reporting suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation. 



This policy applies to all team members who have contact with patients. For purposes of this policy, the Group’s and Rula’s team members include individuals who would be considered part of the workforce such as employees, independent contractors, business team members, and other persons whose work performance is under the direct purview of Rula or the Group’s business practices.



For the purposes of this policy, the definitions of abuse, neglect, and exploitation may be state law specific. 

Mandated reporter: an individual who holds a professional position (as of social worker, physician, teacher, or counselor) that requires them to report to the appropriate state agency cases of child or elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation that they have reasonable cause to suspect. Mandatory reporting statutes vary by state and some states may not have a mandatory reporting law or regulation. 



  1. This policy is intended to cover mandatory reporting for both children and adults as required by state law. Team members are encouraged to review their state law prior to reporting as needed. 
  2. It is recommended that team members complete on-going training regarding mandatory reporting specific to their state and licensure requirements. 
  3. It is not the responsibility of the team member who completed the mandatory report to investigate the suspected allegations. 
  4. Documentation Requirements: 
    1. The patient’s clinical record will include documentation of the indicators of possible abuse, neglect or exploitation.
    2. Documentation of a hotline call should occur within the appropriate progress note or as a blank note within the patient’s record. 
    3. Evidence of any follow-up communication will also be included in the patient’s record.

Attachments: None.

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