Your ZocDoc profile questions

This article provides answers to the questions you may have regarding your ZocDoc profile, including, ZocDoc medication management client requests and availability. Depending on your question, and if additional assistance is needed, you will be provided with information on which teams can assist you.

ZocDoc medication management client request

At times, therapists with ZocDoc profiles see a client with the expectation that the therapist is able to offer medication management services.  This is typically a misunderstanding due to the language on ZocDoc profiles that reads, “Psychotherapist,” and may confuse clients seeking psychiatry services. If you experience this issue, please get in touch with your Provider Success Associate so we may alert ZocDoc.

ZocDoc is not showing availability

If you have entered new availability into ZocDoc, please allow 24 hours for the ZocDoc system to update. If your availability is still not showing after 24 hours, please get in touch with


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